A dyed-in-the-wool knitter shares mainly fibre-related information, updates and musings (with the occasional moan about the weather!).
To blog, or not to blog?
Friday, July 29, 2005
Well, obviously the answer is: to blog, since this is a blog entry! I'm always reticent to post if I haven't done anything picture-worthy, but at the same time I don't like leaving it more than a week without some kind of update. I could always give updates from other peoples blogs I read, but that would just be lazy, no?
Project statusI've made very little progress on anything but Mariposa. The socks have moved on a couple of stripes, I've not picked up I Don't in about a week and a half and I think I've done about 1 more row on Lotus Blossom.
In lieu of a proper photo (and having been inspired by
Grumperina) here is one of the socks being "modeled".

Now, sock pal, I should apologise that the only thing that has the right diameter was a brown sauce bottle. Be re-assured that the socks
will be washed before you get them.
MariposaSo, I finished the Right Back of Mariposa whilst watching Scream 2 last Sunday.
Not a very good idea! Even though I've seen it before, I still jumped at all the appropriate points, and I think it might have altered my tension!

I'm now motoring on with the Left Back and so I should have that done by next blog posting.
Six SoxI have completely scrapped my Chutes & Ladder socks though. I cast on 60 stitches (because the best number for me seems to be 64) and I assumed (!) that the ribbing would stretch enough. Ha! After struggling with sock yarn on 2.5 mm needles and trying to cable with
and without a cable needle, I gave up. I think I'll get my little hands on some 4-ply or DK yarn and try them with that. I'm now just waiting for the next 6 Sox pattern to come on the 1st of August and see if I like that any better (I'm hoping for a simple k/p pattern or lace). Apparently it is best in a non-tweedy plain colour. Hmm....
Random nuttinessOh, I must say: Hello new people! The graph below shows what I refer to as "The
Alison Spike" on Tuesday and the "
Ample Knitters Plateau" on Thursday and Today.

One final thing; the new
Vogue Magazine preview is up. It looks
interesting. It's on sale from the 9th of August, so I'll probably get it from the newsagents around mid-September!
To end on, you may or may not have heard about the statement from the IRA about ending the armed conflict. Politics aside, when I was younger I though that there was this really angry Jewish man running around Northern Ireland! No, really, I am
that dumb!
A little apology and a lot more knitting
Saturday, July 23, 2005
The apology: the
post I made after I came back off holiday did not turn out like I had envisioned it. Whilst sitting in a caravan looking at the Irish Sea I composed several eloquent posts, in my head. I sat down on Friday evening and, instead of a piece of writing Churchillian in style about how we will never surrender to the threat of terrorism, what came out was a lot of anger and a bit of swearing. I know that I've lost at least one reader (via Bloglines) and so this apology will, obviously, never reach them. I wanted to say "Sorry" for the way in which I expressed myself, and I give myself a D- for it. I'll keep the post up, because although it was clumsily expressed, it does indicate my feelings on the matter.
A better expression for all peoples opposed to terrorism is found here:
We're Not AfraidNow, back to the knitting (this is a knitting blog, after all). Click on any the photos to view them in all their large, blurry, 3.2 megapixel glory!
Sockapal2-za socks:
I've done a garter stitch cuff on this because I plan on doing a garter short row heel and toe (for reasons that will be revealed after the 15th of September!). The cuff rolls when it is not on the leg, but does an admirable job on the leg. (S)he said that they tend to wear "calf-length" socks, more than "ankle-length" socks, but I've no ideal how those two vague measurements look. I'll have to guess, I suppose!
Lotus Blossom Shawl:
I've now finished the first repeat of the "blossom" part of the Lotus Blossom. You may be able to see a red lifeline that I had to put in after I'd started knitting from chart 6 instead of chart 5. DOH!
I Don't Shrug:Not enough progress to warrant a photo, to be honest! I've started on the back portion of it now.
This is the right back of the top. I managed to do two fewer rows in the garter stitch welt than on the front, and this is the back piece that is "public". I'll either leave it or pick up and knit two more rows when I've finished it. After hearing that the straps were working out a little too big for most peoples taste, I'll probably alter those as well.
I fully anticipate having finished the right back of Mariposa the next time I post, but that's probably the only photo-worthy thing I'll have done. I could also photograph the progress on my oceanography assignment, but it's not really all that exciting. Or indeed knit-related!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Today I have knitting-in-action shots and a magazine review.
But first, I have this:

Now, it's likely that your reaction will be one of the following:
- Ohh, I've got that book!
- Ohh, I want that book!
- Whatever?
- Oh no! And I was just beginning to like her as well.
I've read all the previous books and like them for what they are (
alleged re-makes of homages to Lord of the Rings in a 21st century stylee).
Now for the gooood stuff!
In chronological order: knitting by a Welsh waterfall.

[please note the hat, gloves, raincoat and slightly crazed expression on my face. This is because it was
12 degrees C. I've no idea what that is in F, but it should not be that cold in July! Also note that there is no actual knitting in my hands. I forgot. Is this the first incidence of air knitting?]
Knitting on a mountain.

I'm squinting because, although it was hazy, the sun was still shining through. The more astute will notice that I'm wearing Klaralund! Good all season jumper she's turning out to be.
Knitting on a beach.

This was exactly a week after the waterfall picture and the maximum temperature was
40 degrees C!!!!! So, I didn't do any actual knitting on the beach because it was too hot! I don't get Britain's weather. I really don't! Face concealed to protect the guilty (
Hi Mum!).
Knitting magazine August 2005 review: - Beach babe: crochet bikini. Why? I've said it before and I'll say it again; no, no, NO!
- Friendship: a crocheted, beaded bracelet. Actually quite nice and something I'd consider making because I have loads of little beads and charms lying around.
- Octopus: "fun" fur boa. Oh. My. God.
- Ship's Mice: knitted mice. Cute and simple for kids or cats, but you can get a very similar pattern online, and for free (yes, I know that not everyone is connected yet!).
- Beachcomber: a crocheted poncho. A crocheted poncho - fine. Crocheted flowers - fine. Both together? I don't even think any one in the 1970's would have worn this one.
- Sea Breeze: classic raglan t-shirt with 3 narrow stripes. Really nice and simple T, but could have been better by working it in the round (top down or bottom up). Seaming tiny raglans ain't fun.
- Iris: two-colour knitted bag. I'm still undecided about knitted bags - evil or lovely? This one is nice enough and the flower embellishment could be used on it's own.
- Coral: sleeveless keyhole top. Cropped (again) and two clashing colours. Everything seems fine until you get to the neckline: the keyhole detail is created by taking a nice v-neck T and adding the ribbing from a crew-neck jumper to it. The model looks scared!
- Pina colada: cap-sleeved t-shirt. A nice top given an interesting twist: the bottom welt is knit side-to-side and the top is knit in the round by picking up from the edge. One of the best pieces in this issue. NOTE: there is a really good associated article detailing technique to do with seamless knitting. Worth the price of the magazine if you don't have other resources.
- Sand Boy: stripy beach set for toddler. Nice t-shirt but white knitted summer shorts for a male toddler? I don't think so!
- Tailored Seed-stitch top: an old Vogue pattern. Strangely, the 1930's version looks better than the 80's Vogue photo. Nice, tailored garment. But then again, it is Vogue!
- True Blue: chevron crocheted sleeveless top. Cropped (again, again) but otherwise a really nice top. Not being a crocheter as such, I can't really pass much more judgment.
Plus: A couple of articles/reviews/love-ins, the best of which is part 2 of a Seamless knitting course and "Knitting with handspun yarns" which is quite apposite for me.
Now for the knitting I did:
Lotus Blossom:

Sockapal2za socks:

I don't shrug.

This is what happens when you listen radio commentary of England beating Australia in the cricket!
So, all in all a good holiday; lots of knitting got done, as did lots of OU work (I finished a book on modelling epidemics in three days - it was supposed to take me a week!).
From here-on-in the knitting progress will be getting slower as my work-load increases, but after the middle of October (end of exam season) things will pick-up.
Be good to yourselves, and each other! TTFN.
I'm back
Friday, July 15, 2005
But with all the
stuff that went on when I was on "holiday", I think I'll leave it a day or two.
Bloody bastards. What the hell does an eighteen year old know about life? What's even more scary is that
at least three of them lived only 30 miles away from me. I'm off to knit for a little bit and watch James Bond; where the baddies told you they were going to try and kill you and didn't live next door.
Gone knittin'
Sunday, July 03, 2005

and here...

and here...