OK, so I lied!
I just logged on to my university's website to accept my degree and I found out the classification.

It's a 2.1!!!!!!!
I'm not normally a fan of the over-use of the exclamation mark, but I think it needs it!
As I mentioned previously, I thought I'd get a 2.2, so this is a complete surprise. I hadn't felt like celebrating yet, just in case they'd made a mistake and were going to take it away from me. Bring on the Dandelion and Burdock* - let the part-ey begin!
And now, I promise, that's it. Really. Totally nothing until after Boxing Day. Or at least Boxing Day. Christmas Eve?
*I can't drink alcohol for medical reasons (well, I could, but I'd have to have 999 on speed-dial) so this is as wild as I get!

Congratulations! Enjoy the Dandelion & Burdock - one of my favourites. :-)
By , at Saturday, 23 December, 2006 -
Fab ! Well done.
By , at Sunday, 24 December, 2006
Season's Greetings ! -
SO... is 2.1 better than 2.2? oops.. my ignorance is showing
By JustApril, at Sunday, 24 December, 2006 -
Yaaaaay!! There is much leaping about here(not not really, I'm too tired to leap about and The Labradors are having a nap after a big play) OK, we're leaping on the Inside!!!
By , at Sunday, 24 December, 2006
I am having a lemonade with ice to celebrate!! Merry Christmas!!! -
A big congratulations! What a fantastic surprise!
By Robin, at Wednesday, 27 December, 2006
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