I am normal?
Reader questions answered:
Only with a banana
And yes.
Seriously though, Emma (the one that's moved to France, not the one in the north-east of England) asked if I knew my degree classification yet. I can work it out manually, but can't be bothered. It should be a 2.2 (where 1 is the best, 2.1 is what most people get, and 3 is the lowest). Given all the problems I've had during this degree (my cruddy health, my mum's worsening condition, my grandad dying) I'll take it!
2Paw - yes, the OU is the Open University. They are lovely in all their loveliness and I love them.
April - yes, 7 years is a long time. A very, very long time!
Knitting? On a knitting blog?
Surely not!

Up next will be some mittens and booties for Baby F (in case anyone was wondering, that's not her actual name.)
I got some craft fabric for ... well, crafting. Can't say anymore about specifics in case CERTAIN PEOPLE are reading this. All will be revealed in good time.
I also got an amazing pair of cuffs from France as part of yet another Craftster swap (somebody stop me). I'll show just one of them here, but more photos can be seen here.

Technorati tags: yarn; knitting; hats; hat; fabric; sewing

OMG, I love the fabric, especially the geisha one! Where did you get it/what company is it from?(as if I didn't had enough already ;-)
By javede, at Sunday, 17 December, 2006
That cuff is amazing! Can't really help you on the new swap addiction, I'm having it too. -
Love the cuff - it's fantastic!
By KnitYoga, at Tuesday, 19 December, 2006
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