X is for
I've had several of these babies in my time; many times for my teeth and a couple for my hip. I was going to try and get hold of my x-rays, but I'm not sure you can actually do this. Instead, I provide you with how I would look if x-rayed by a child:

I'd still have pretty hair.
It's a real shame that my MRI tomorrow isn't a CT scan (MRIs aren't x-rays, unfortunately). All jokes regarding looking for my brain and not finding it can be sent to ....
ETA: Well, all of the electrons in my brain and neck have been well and truely messed with. There were a couple of hairy moments, but I managed it. Not the best thing that's ever happened to me in a hospital, but not the worst! I'm now cream crackered and a little wobbly (in leg and lower lip) so there is now some serious resting in progress! I thought about knitting techniques whilst I was in the tube. Not surprising, really! Thanks for the good wishes.
Technorati tags: ABC Along; x-ray;

Good luck for the MRI. Don't forget to remove al pierceings !!!
By , at Monday, 27 November, 2006 -
Yes, very pretty hair!!! I like least the scans/X-rays where you have to drink something absolutely horrid. Here we get our X-rays and scans and stuff to keep. I end up throwing them out.
By , at Monday, 27 November, 2006 -
Hope the MRI went well.
By KnitYoga, at Tuesday, 28 November, 2006 -
Sorry about the MRI but glad to hear that it went well. Hey, you survived it! :-)
By WandaWoman, at Wednesday, 29 November, 2006
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