You can't stop me!
First up is the Fall Cable KAL 2006. I'm working on a pair of Fetching gloves at the moment and I've got my eye on a cable and lace jumper from the last IK.
Next is the Stranded colourwork/colorwork KAL. As requested on the blog, here's my colourwork history:
What are your projects for this knitalong?
If it's allowed, my Iris Garden socks will be the first project. I'm also planning on doing the Philosopher's Wool vest mentioned previously and I'll probably fit in my dad's scarf (see next question).
Is this your first colorwork project? If it isn't, what was your first, and has it survived the test of time?
No, it/they won't be. I've completed a pair of colourwork socks before (the Star Trek ones seen here at Flickr), my dad's argyle scarf and I'm part way through a "Fair Isle" baby vest for my cousin (which may not ever get finished!)
I'm not sure what category that puts me in (Fair Isle, Norweigen ...) but I don't really care! There's a Flickr group 'specially for the KAL.
Technorati tags: yarn; knitting;

that darn peer pressure =) haha I can't wait to see the fruit of your joinings!
By JustApril, at Thursday, 30 November, 2006
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