Just the seven and a half months late

Name: Argyle scarf
Pattern: Argyle Scarf, Knit.1 magazine
Size(s): I haven't measured it, but it's longer than my legs (useful, no?)
Yarn: King Cole Magnum Chunky in black, Burgundy, beige and cream
Yarn source: My LYS
Needles: 8 mm straight
Recipient: My dad
Modifications: Change of yarn and tension/gauge
Notes: Well, it was supposed to be for my dad's birthday in May. At least I finished it in the same year. That's good, right?
It may be stuck in a bucket and being held up with wire and a fork, but I think it's pretty!

That'll probably be it for me blog-wise until after my brother's brithday (the 29th of this month). I'll still be stalking everyone else though, so no-one can relax!
So I wish you a

Technorati tags: yarn; knitting; argyle;
Labels: argyle, knitting, scarf, yarn

MAHvelous scarf dahling
By JustApril, at Thursday, 21 December, 2006 -
That's a lovely scarf. It may have taken you awhile, but that just means your father will love it more! Congrats on the 2.1 as well in school. Not sure what 999 is (perhaps the US equivalent of 911-emergency services?)Have a Merry Christmas!
By WandaWoman, at Sunday, 24 December, 2006 -
omg i really want to learn how to do argyle items.. do u have any detailed patterns? if so can u send to my emaiL? unome8i8@yahoo.com
By , at Saturday, 05 January, 2008
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