Bendable promises
- I promise not to buy any more sock yarn until I've used (almost) all of my stash up. I reckon that's about 20 pairs of women's socks assuming I use all the left overs.
- I promised that I'd put the Airen pattern up. Oops! I can't understand my own notes and I can't even find out how many stitches I cast on. I can always scan the bits of paper and put them up so everyone can interpret them?
- I promise to keep up with my university work and I will not get behind this year (!)
- I promise not to buy any yarn of any kind until I've made all the stuff that I already have yarn and a pattern for (that's another list for another time!). Unless it's for a present, of course!
I'm into the gusset increases now:

I'm not too sold on the toe. It's a bit pointy for my toes. Guess who'd they be perfect for - my mum! She ain't havin' them!
I had a bit of a cruddy birthday. I was woken up at a quarter to three when my drunk, diabetic, 16 year old next-door neighbour came home and started shouting "I WANT MY PHONE!" over, and over again. And then, in the evening, I was told that my grandpa has had cancer for three and a half years. You know how people say they were knocked side-ways with bad news - well, if there hadn't been a wall in the way, I'd have fallen over.
I'm still working on deciphering my notes (really, really should have paid attention to what I was doing) and I should have something semi-concrete by Saturday.
Well, I think I can call that random Thursday! See y'all on Saturday then!

It must be the day of lists... I just put yet another list up on my blog, too.
By aimee noel, at Friday, 13 January, 2006
I'm sorry about your grandpa. I lost both of mine before I was in high school. It's tough because grandpa's are so special (at least to me). /end sappy stuff -
Yes, Grandpas are special people. Sorry the timing of the news couldn't have been a little nicer for you. I hate expecting to have a good day and then being slammed that way. =( Like on my 1st anniversary, my best friends mom was killed in a car accident, somehow it seems to make you remember the whole thing more vividly than you would otherwise.
By JustApril, at Friday, 13 January, 2006
Your Jaywalkers look good, I hope to get to the toes on mine today. ??????? we'll see - I love the idea of you posting your notes to see if WE can fig them out, the whole concept cracks me up, but I know I'd be staring at them for days. I'm the worst about my notes. I think I am doing a good job of documentation, but I totally stink at it! lol
well, back to the funny farm I go! see ya
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