I've twisted my knee (again)

But before I proved myself an idiot again, I did this:

That's how I found the stripey shirt fabric for the "Sew? I Knit!" challenge.
Speaking of which:

Stuff I've seen around:
Wanda's raglan jumper/sweater with lace detail and everything.
Cindy's a-frickin'-mazing Dr. Who cardigan. I am so jealous.
Sugar Almond:
Needles in or needles out? What's a good look for you?

The first gives a better idea of the colour, but they both give an idea of the look. When I finally pull my finger out and get knitting, I'll offer this up for free on the blog (in multiple sizes) if anyone wants. Oh - they'll be wristwarmers, by the way!
And finally ...
Cindy - as much as I love playing comment tag with you, could you email me using the link in the left hand sidebar please. I'd love to talk Geek with you in private!
Technorati tags: yarn; knitting; sewing;

I hope your knee isn't too bad (- I know all about knees at the moment:-)
By , at Wednesday, 31 May, 2006 -
Twist your knee...like knee cap goes to the otherside of your leg?
By none, at Wednesday, 31 May, 2006
I had that happen way too many times and finally had what is called a patella-tendon relocation surgery and my knee has been perfect since, no more knee cap travelling for me.
I hope your knee is better soon. :) -
For Wendy: Eeew, eewww, ewww! I meant that I probably sat funny or launched off it at a funny angle. But eewww! I don't like knees. :)
By AmyP, at Wednesday, 31 May, 2006 -
Sorry about your knee, I hope that it feels better soon. The wrist warmers look great and the yarn is beautiful. I love the detail at the wrist.
By WandaWoman, at Thursday, 01 June, 2006 -
aaawwww whyah! your poor ouchie knee!
By JustApril, at Friday, 02 June, 2006
I like the wristwarmers! Very cool. Have fun sewing! =)
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