I so do knit!
What's wrong in this picture?

A closer look?

Yup, I stood on the needle and pulled it out. It's been like this for about 5 days now, and I still haven't done anything to fix it. I blame the weather.
Second sock is motoring:

Although I did managed to frell up big time in the patterning. Some rows I forgot to do the lace pattern and then I realised that I was patterning on the 3rd row instead of the 2nd!
You know what I blame? The film "Phone Booth" - despite the slightly distracting accent from Colin Farrell, it was a good movie.
Technorati tags: yarn; knitting;

Always put off till tomorrow what you can do today!!
By , at Thursday, 25 May, 2006
I hate that : when you make a mistake in a pattern. Sometimes I soldier bravely, but stupidly, on hoping I will stop noticing, but it's no good. In the end I have to unravel.
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