Attack of the killer paper clips
Friday, September 09, 2005

Don't worry: they are only my high-tech, super-expensive stitch markers.
I've actually finished the shawl and I'm just about to start blocking it. 36 hours it took me to cast off - not really! I did the casting off in hour-long bursts over one and a half days, but it felt like 36 hours!
The good thing about finishing the shawl is I now have two 70 g skeins plus about 20 g remaining of a third. So, I'm thinking SOCKS! I hope suggestions will be forthcoming for suitable patterns (I'm thinking maybe lace would be good) and also suggestions as to needle size. The reccommended size on the ball band is US 4s (about 3.5 mm) and I usually go down half a millimeter or so from what you'd knit a jumper on. So that would be US 2 or 3 (3 or 3.25 mm). Sound about right?
Knit Tracker images:
I had a comment asking about the tracker images in my sidebar. The original code comes from Indigirl Amy, here. However, the multi-coloured ones I use were modified by Celia Ng's partner Chris Hernandez. If you aren't confident in viewing HTML/Javascript code, I'd suggest using Amy's original version. As I've mentioned before, I've been coding HTML since the (internet) year dot, and I am fairly confident in winging my way through this kind of thing!
Everything is parcelled up and ready to go. I've included a print out of two landmarks around my way: the local town hall (better than it sounds) and a really beautiful lake just up the road. I also included the rest of the yarn that I didn't use and the Lava Flow pattern.
Thanks for the comments on the socks - I'm now just hoping that they fit the recipient!
I need something plain and simple to work on next (since it's lace, texture and cables on the needles now or will be soon), so I'm planning on Picovoli sans pico.
Here's the swatch I did in Jaeger Cadiz (viscose/silk mix aran-weight):

Obviously, I'll have to change the numbers to make it work with my yarn, but I've done that before and I "heart" maths!
So, here's a little equation:
no assignments + cricket = mucho knitting time.
See you next week!