My crutches and I went for a hobble
Saturday, June 03, 2006

Ohh - a frog in an ice cream tub!
Don't try this at home - I'm a professional (idiot)!
Click on any/all of the pictures for a larger view.

I need the 2.5 mm needles currently residing in Sugar Almond, so I'm knitting as fast as I can.
Then the needles will be occupied with June/July's sock from the SixSox group, destined for my mum (at last, a pair of socks that will fit her).
I've cut out all the pattern pieces for the top for Sew? I Knit! but I I'm not able to sew for long periods of time because my knee seizes up if it's in one position for anything longer than about 10 minutes. I just wanted to show the modifications I have to make to one particular piece.

I think the "after" shot looks like a mummy with the amount of masking tape on it! That's what you have to do if you are "blessed" with big boobs!
Technorati tags: yarn; knitting; sewing
1:32 pm :: 
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AmyP :: permalink

Did I miss something Crutches! What did you do! Sympathies what ever it was I have just ditched the stick and I'm waiting to here what the physio has to say about starting exercising again
By , at Saturday, 03 June, 2006 -
You saved that poor little froggy! You're a hero :-)
By , at Monday, 05 June, 2006 -
We used to find frogs deep in the ground at home when I was little. Hope your knee is feeling better!! I too am 'blessed'!!!!
By , at Monday, 05 June, 2006 -
cute froggies =) 10 minutes at a time is slow going, yes? =( Good modifications tho, I think I'd have to go in reverse.
By JustApril, at Monday, 05 June, 2006
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