I've pulled!
I bent down to pick something up off the floor and, in an effort to protect my sore knee, I sort of twisted my back as I bent and "TWEAK"! So I spent most of Friday jacked up on pain killers and muscle relaxants (yeah, baby - legal drugs!). I did, however, manage to order some yarn:

Drooooool - Cashsoft DK. I'm only going to knit with this yarn from now on. It's like stroking a creamy, silk-wrapped kitten.
To make this:

Copyright: Simply Knitting 2006.
For my brand spankin' new cousin!
I don't subscribe to the babies = pastels school of thought. Firstly, it's the parents that have to look at the kid, so pick stuff you like. Secondly, babies can't percieve pastel colours anyway, so what's the point?
This is the mock-up of the fair isle chart I did (the colours are way off from reality, but it's close enough):

I wanted to include red in the pattern because it's the Chinese colour of good fortune, wealth and happiness, and since baby F. is half Chinese accountant, half northern idiot (I love my uncle I really do, but he is quite useless) I thought it would be perfect.
I'm off to dose myself up again and celebrate the first assignment mark of 90% that I've had in years!
EDIT: I'm fiddling with my template again (ouch!) but I can only test it in Firefox and I.E. for Win XP, under 800x600 and 1024 x768 resolution. I know that the "archive" part (i.e. if you view an entry directly instead of going through the main page) has many problems, not least the fact that the title disappears! The web site of the person who designed the template no longer exists, so I'm on my own! If you have any ideas, feel free to have a look at my code and point me in the right direction!
Technorati tags: yarn; knitting;

The site is looking ok to me :-)
By , at Saturday, 05 August, 2006
That Cashsoft is something else isn't it. If I could afford to I would knit with it more often. Sorry to hear about the back - nothing worse than a bad back IMHO -
Snap!! I have gyp (jip??) in my back as well. Mine is a muscle thing from trying to lift something. Hope you are feeling better soon. Yes, I subscribe to the bright and cheerful baby clothes theory too!!
By , at Sunday, 06 August, 2006 -
Sorry about your back, I HAYTE when that happens! poor you - be careful!
By JustApril, at Sunday, 06 August, 2006 -
Oh man, I feel your pain. I did that last fall - it's no fun. I'm impressed you've nonetheless managed to order yarn and plan a neat-looking baby sweater. Feel better soon.
By Elizabeth, at Sunday, 06 August, 2006 -
Sorry about your back and I hope that you are feeling better soon. The Cashsoft looks so incredibly yummy and soft. Never knit with it before though.
By WandaWoman, at Wednesday, 09 August, 2006 -
Bending, lifting and twisting is the #1 way of herniating a disc which could be causing your back muscles to spasm. If you take care in treating the spasm sometimes your back will heal itself and if it doesn't you may have something more serious longer down the road that may continually flare up. Take it easy and get better soon!
By , at Wednesday, 09 August, 2006
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