Dyed in the Wool
A dyed-in-the-wool knitter shares mainly fibre-related information, updates and musings (with the occasional moan about the weather!).

I loves me my socks!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Look what I got from the lone star state this morning:

It says: "Treats for your feets"

A Postcard from Dallas (including big scary buildings - I get nervous above three storeys)

The shiny things are two lone-star charms (I likes shiny things).

How cool is this:

Riddle me this: why is it that someone I've never met, and who lives thousands of miles away, can knit a pair of socks that fit me perfectly, yet I can't?

Thank you Chris (Skittermagoo). Can you beleive that these are Chris' first ever cables?! You rock!

Now, I just have to check that my pal got hers! You'd think that the Royal Mail would be able to deliver a pair of socks to .... somewhere else in the UK???

EDIT: so, she got them and guess what? They don't fit :((((( They measure 6 1/2" instead of 9 1/2". What the hell did I do!? Did I not measure them correctly? Did I get my nines and sixes mixed up on the tape measure? Did they shrink a lot when I washed them? Quite frankly, any or all of these are a possibility. Anyway, they fit her daughter perfectly and she loves them (so not a total waste then).

[wanders off muttering: measure three times, check twice, cut once .....]

12:25 pm :: ::
  • Ohhh, Amy I'm SO glad they fit! I was a bit worried about that. And I'm so pleased that you like them, too -- they were so much fun to knit for you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, 21 September, 2005  
  • I'm so glad that you liked your socks and that they fit, that's pretty good! You should find out what Chris did to make your socks.

    So sorry about your sockpal socks not fitting your pal!

    By Blogger WandaWoman, at Thursday, 22 September, 2005  
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