Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden
In a vain attempt to escape any potential screaming (or crying) from the neighours, I'm out in the garden. I love wireless internet!
Here are some of the lovely things I'm enjoying, instead of the football or the French Open Tennis:

Aqua Liga??

And a moth I found in the bathroom

Click on any of the pictures for a bigger view.
No knitting to report. It's hot with a capital scorcher and my hands sweat glow when it's like this.
The title is the official slogan for the World Cup. Translated, it means something like "A Time to make Friends".
Technorati tags: garden

Oh, your flowers are so beautiful, thanks so much for sharing these pics - that's certainly a good choice to look at other than the TV-screen! :)
By , at Saturday, 10 June, 2006 -
What a blessed relief from the soccer. I even had a competition thingy on my mobile from my carrier. I complained greatly. I am avoiding all soccer!!!
By , at Sunday, 11 June, 2006
You have my sympathy about the heat - we in the Knitting Coven all knit socks in the Summer, but when it gets to 35 we all give up!! -
I think I'd never leave that garden, it's so beautiful! I really love the Clematis, it looks like Passion Flowers, which I LOVE. I need to get my roses in the ground before they get broiled out there.
By JustApril, at Sunday, 11 June, 2006
Sorry it's so hot there. The Sun is baking us to a crisp, too. We reached 38*C yesterday (look at meee I'm trying to make sense) that's 100*F! bleeeeckhhhhh
Knitting with cotton/silk tho, under the A/C is not SO awful =)*)
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