P is for
I had the original idea of taking my own pictures, but time and health (lack of both) meant that I haven't been able to. Instead, I'll provide a lovely amount of links all about ...
The Pennines are a long chain of hills running more-or-less vertically down the country from the south of Scotland to the Peak District in the Midlands of England.
There is a famous walk you can do from one end of the Pennines to the other. Imaginatively, it's called "The Pennine Way", and it has its own little website.
I live within spitting distance of the south Pennines (yes, I've tried) and I love them - especially in the Winter when they go dark and moody.
The Bronte sisters are the most famous people to exploit this moodiness (although they're from the other side, and so we don't talk about them much!). Remind me to tell you who won the War of the Roses (hint: it was Lancashire. Yorkshire got whooped!)

Many of my ancestors hailed from your corner of the world. I have always wanted to visit. Reading your blog only makes me want to more!
By Lou Schiela, at Monday, 14 August, 2006
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