In the cold, hard, light of day, these things always seem silly, and yet at the time are utterly terrifying. My dad and brother had a nice (ish) time in Blackpool and my mum and I had a girly day listening to England lose at cricket (again) and fail to beat Sweden in football (again)!Knitting (at last)

I'm now 1 third of the way through the foot patterning on the second SLLS (Simply Lovely Lace Sock) - aided in part by what I call a semi-bed-day (part of the daytime spent in bed, watching telly!).
I also have the small matter of around 3000 words to produce by (at the very latest) the 14th of July.

Drowning in paper

Beam me up Sooty (sorry, 1990's British TV reference there!)
Technorati tags: yarn; knitting;

No, we had Sooty and Sweep here in Australia too. My teddy as a child was a Sooty. I had Sooty books!!!!
By , at Thursday, 22 June, 2006
Eeeww, what a lot of words - is tah withough quotes etc??? Happy assignmenting!!
Very nice SLLS. I can't knit in bed. -
Sorry about the poor typing. My hands are cold. It's a day after the Winter Solstice and the days are getting longer and COLDER!!
By , at Thursday, 22 June, 2006 -
aaawwww MAN, I feel all Sooty deprived now =((
By JustApril, at Thursday, 22 June, 2006
I can say, "Beam me up Squatty" for a 90's American TV reference =)*)
Oh, yeah, You're Welcome! on the MUM front =) -- I wonder if the "ISH" part of the "nice" was a contributing factor in the panick attack? I can totally see myself doing that someday on the way to MIL's house LOL LOL LOL
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