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I discovered I preferred using a fountain pen to write a loooooong time ago. It really helps my handwriting, and if I use a biro it goes all Pete Tong!
I now have to try and remain calm as I inform my neighbours what their 17 year old daughter has been up to whilst they've been on holiday for the past 2 weeks. This is not going to be easy.
Technorati tags: yarn; knitting;

I take it the 17 year old neighbour hasn't been hosting knitting and quilting bees? Ieeee!
By Megan, at Saturday, 26 August, 2006 -
Ah! as the motherof a soon to be 17 year old daughter, the mind boggles!
By , at Saturday, 26 August, 2006
Our school still prefers the girls to use fountain pens ( if they are not using computers that is) -
I can see your pictures!!!Nice pens, ye olde worlde person. I am too messy to use fountain pens: ink everywhere. I shudder to think what was happening next door!!!
By , at Saturday, 26 August, 2006 -
Fountain pens....left handed peoples idea of hell !!!!
By MrsDrWho, at Tuesday, 12 September, 2006
I had one.....dont ask me why. Each page was a black ocean of smudge....and my hand. White board markers and chalk...same thing just more multi coloured.
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