Small scratch
Well, I couldn't very well say little prick, could I? Oops! Well, that bruise is the result of have four (or was it three?) vials of blood taken for a battery of tests. Yes, my good people I finally have a consultant! Woo hoo - happy dance! This neurologist is only the second specialist I've seen in fourteen years of being ill. The first one was a paediatritian. That's how long ago it was!
Bonny Charms is moving apace and I'm now on the armhole bit of the back. Have I mentioned that there's an error in the chart in the magazine, and the numbers you end up with after the ribbing don't add up to a full repeat.
This is the HORRENDOUSLY ORANGE YARN I got to do the arigu.. agium.. those wee Japanese crocheted thingys. All I have to do is teach myself to crochet and how to design those crocheted doll-things. Easy. Right?
Snake Skin socks have been started and put down frequently. The pattern is fairly easy to remember, but it's just finding the time and energy to work on them.
o:Etna ready to go "Boom!"
o:Is the Liang Bua "Hobbit" really a new species?
o: Cows have regional accents!
I love the library! Clockwise from top left: Sew Basic, Sashiko, M.E., Scottish Highlands and Islands, Making Knitwear Fit and 2oth Century Fashion.
Technorati tags: yarn; knitting;

Do they not use the little butterfly needle with a tube?? That is very cool!! I like that one. It might be me, but I can't see any of your photos today. So here are my comments on the socks:
By , at Friday, 25 August, 2006
And the books:
And the orange yarn?? I'm speechless!!! -
Are those "Snakes Skines on a Plane Socks?" Okay, you can smack me; that was really bad.
By MollyKnits, at Friday, 25 August, 2006 -
Neurologists are fun, but my favorite is my endocrinologist. Talk about bloodwork!
By , at Friday, 25 August, 2006 -
P.S. The cows down here say, "Moo y'all". Accents indeed ;-)
By , at Friday, 25 August, 2006 -
That is seriously orange yarn! The baby sweater is comming on a treat - and don't worry about the socks - I still haven't finished my second one despite the flying start.
By , at Friday, 25 August, 2006
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