Happy Socktoberfest!

Just like Oktoberfest, but with less beer. Well, maybe with a tad less beer. Well, with more sock knitting, anyway! I'm officially signed up and I've even downloaded a button, I've just forgotten to add it to the blog or indeed do any sock knitting in this month (so far)! For inspiration, just check out the Socktoberfest Flickr group.
I'm ready to cast off the first Snake Skin Sock. For toe-up socks I've found that grafting the knit and purl stitches of a 1/1 rib works really well. It looks fluted off the leg (like my Dimple sock), but it's perfect in terms of stretch.

Non-sock stuff:

This is a mock-up of the sleeve for the tunic-length shirt. It's supposed to have a dart (keeping) and some pleats (not keeping). I realised that the pleats wouldn't work for me, at least not permanant ones. I tend to layer because of my poor temperature control and poofed-up sleeves just wouldn't cut it. I had a brain wave and wondered whether rouching (rooching, ruching?) would work. Hence the mock-up at the bottom of the picture. Me likey!
Technorati tags: yarn; knitting; sewing; socktober

Oh, loverly socks!!! When I did a toe up pair it was the casting off that I didn't like, apart from the heel and the toe and...... I went to a fashion show once where the man called it 'runching'!!! I don't do pleats on trousers, I don't need to emphasise my hips!! They do that already by themselves!
By , at Monday, 02 October, 2006
I must sew a dress soon before it is too hot!! -
Yaay Socktoberfest! Your sock is awesome =) naturally.
By JustApril, at Tuesday, 03 October, 2006
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