Stuff I can't show
Stuff I can show:
Despite the Royal Fail's best efforts, my first Craftster swap has concluded with the delivery of this bag of goodies
The (not really a) Mystery Shawl makes it's first appearance here since ... does a quick search of own blog ... THE NINTH OF NOVEMBER LAST YEAR!!! Slap me with a kipper and call me a slacker! Don't really - I'm vegetarian!

This was from a Yahoo Group (now defunct) where you got a clue every couple of weeks and attempted to keep up. Obviously I have failed miserably, but it's still a nice shawl!
Also making a return appearance is Tubey (last mentioned on the 23rd of June this year):

I'm at about elbow length and working a 3/1 rib down to the wrists.
That's all for now, I think. Not much time for sewing becuase I've been helping my mum with some serious gardening (it involved a pair of lopers!)
Technorati tags: yarn; knitting;

Was the email by any chance to do with pregnant ladies? If so I know how they got hold of you and it is a much more select bunch than just knit bloggers :-)
By , at Tuesday, 26 September, 2006 -
I am glad there are other people with REALLY old unfinished things!! I always think that if I hide them they aren't really there!! Head in the sand...
By , at Wednesday, 27 September, 2006
Lovely stars and shawl.
Happy gardening and book submitting!!! -
Only Novenber last year....that's nothing. I am making a baby blanket for my niece.
By MrsDrWho, at Wednesday, 27 September, 2006
She's in grade 2 now.
Are you pruning things to ground level??? That's how I garden. -
Well, atleast you keep knitting your ufo's eventually. I put everything older than 3 month into the frogging pond!
By javede, at Wednesday, 27 September, 2006
Nice swap goodies too!
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